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Construction of FME Standardization Training Room
Release time:2019-06-10 16:30:05 source:Jiangsu Doroad Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. Popularity:1970

In order to enhance personnel's awareness and skills of foreign body prevention, and improve the training methods of foreign body prevention for power station personnel, we should change from curriculum training to experiential training, increase the direct contact and use of foreign body prevention articles by trainees, and experience good practices and advanced practices of foreign body prevention in practice. It is necessary to establish a standardized training room.

Emphasis is placed on the use of simulators close to the actual situation of the power plant in the training room to help improve skills. Through problem identification, defect setting and mutual observation, the training effect can be achieved.

Standardized training room can be divided into: 1. Anti-foreign-body theory knowledge software and hardware; 2. Anti-foreign-body simulation site operating facilities; 3. Digital, visual virtual training facilities; 4. Anti-foreign-body assessment system.

Through a professional and comprehensive way, we will build an integrated training center.